Outcore is one of the most creative and fun indie games I've played this year. It's also FREE! and I recommend trying it out for yourself! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Check out the game here*: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1275670/Outcore_Desktop_Adventure/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *NEW Guzo ALBUM coming out October 13th* (SPOTIFY): https://open.spotify.com/artist/6zlN3xX2LxnXonvtm0w8jz?si=NLvU7rf6RsWdSSXiDyAkfw (SOUNDCLOUD): https://soundcloud.com/guzo-675851685 (MY WEBSITE): http://guzomakesmusic.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (TWITTER): https://twitter.com/guzomakesmusic (TWITCH): https://www.twitch.tv/goosetoe (INSTAGRAM:) https://www.instagram.com/goosetoestuff/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was in a 5 months slump after my last video where I kept giving up on videos again and again and again until finally I just decided to not be SO ambitious and just make something good. I know the video is short but also the game is short so that's why lol. I literally just got monetization on my channel as of the release date of this video so that's exciting! Hopefully my next video comes out THIS YEAR.